First of all, sorry again for the delays. Last week Monday I finally ended 6 years of freelancing and became an official company employee. It was a bit more than I expected and I've been kept busy with meetings, training, and just getting up to speed with company operations. Also been avoiding the temptation to log onto NG using company internet. It's been a loooong and tiring week.
But enough about me, lets talked about this perpetually delayed game and this mess of a beta. Firstly...
Sorry to all the beta testers who've been patiently (or not) waiting. I've got a ton of PMs and comments to sift through and will be answering them as the week progresses. Hopefully you stick around and help me out with this project. Secondly...
- Updates Wednesdays and Fridays
- Instructions will be posted here on my news board.
- I've still got to figure out a way to send feedback in-game. For now, you can submit feedback through NG PM with the title "FEEDBACK".
NOTE: I've blocked off 2 hours a night to work on the game which will give me time to create 3-5 scenarios for testing. This should prevent any further delays.
- The following are a few guide questions for providing feedback. Aside from bug reports, these are the things I am most interested in knowing. Of course, if you think of something that you feel is important, you can send that as feedback as well
=== start of guide ===
- Intuitiveness: How hard is it to figure out the combat system
- Control: Are the controls easy to understand? Do the controls do what you expect them yo do?
- Graphics: Do the animations & effects slow down the framerate? What quality (High, Medium, Low) can you best play it in.
- Difficulty: Are the scenarios challenging?
- Variety: Are the skills useful? Interesting? Is there enough variety between classes that they feel different from each other?
- Strategy: What is your favored strategy? Aggressive? Defensive? Do you pick which enemies to attack first or do you just attack the ones closest to you?
- Enemy Variety: Do you feel a difference between enemies? Can you tell what type an enemy is by sight?
- Incentive: Do you feel the need to explore? Do you feel the rewards of exploring are worth the effort?
- Pacing: Do you notice the difficulty increasing? Is it increasing too fast or too slow?
- Interest: Do you notice the backgrounds? Do you have an idea of what place you're in?
- Effects: Do the effects add to the game or do are they distracting?
=== end of guide ===
Too tired to think of a clever or funny sign off, so I'll use my default work email sign.
- Bruce
Woohoo! I'll PM if anything goes wrong