Trouble already. Ah well. Beta is Beta. More than half of the testers haven't confirmed yet. We're also getting a few invite errors. Let's get a few more people in before we roll into Phase 2. So again...
= = = = INSTRUCTIONS = = = =
To JOIN send me a PM through Newgrounds with the title JOIN MR2 BETA. I will reply by sending you an INVITE within the next 24 hours.
Here's how the beta INVITE will look from your end!
1) Go to your Inbox. You will have a "Pending Request" with Madness Retaliation 2 in the title. Clicking on it will take you to the project. DON'T DO THAT! Instead...
2) Look to the right, it will have buttons [Approve] [Deny]. Click [Approve]... Unfortunately, the request (and its link to the project) will disappear. So last step is...
3) Go to
If you got through those steps then you're in the Beta!!
= = = = END OF INSTRUCTIONS = = = =
For those who've confirmed by sending the "secret message" no need to resend. I have your names neatly tabulated in a spreadsheet. Hopefully we get at least 50% of the testers confirmed tomorrow. But even if we don't, we'll still proceed to Phase 2.
I didn't got the "Pending Request" would u do it for your fans or random people?