= = = = UPDATE! = = = =
OK! Here's how the beta invite will look from your end!
1) Go to your Inbox. You will have a "Pending Request" with Madness Retaliation 2 in the title. Clicking on it will take you to the project. DON'T DO THAT! Instead...
2) Look to the right, it will have buttons [Approve] [Deny]. Click [Approve]... Unfortunately, the request (and its link to the project) will disappear. So last step is...
3) Go to http://www.newgrounds.com/projects/games/582064/
4) ??????
5) PROFIT! (no, not really)
If you got through those steps then you're in the Beta!!
= = = = original message = = = =
Not gonna lie. I've never used NG's beta-testing feature before. Heck, I've never used the project management system before. These awesome new features were not around when I made MR1.
So our first phase, ROLL CALL!! I've added over 30 people to the beta tester list. i don't know what the limit is. As long as there's space, I will add people. Again...
If you want to JOIN the beta, SEND ME A PM through Newgrounds. Why am I doing it this way? Cuz you need to be an NG member to beta-test. This is a rule of the system. RULES! OBEY!
Now to discuss. Dear Testers, there will be no gameplay in this phase. I know it's disappointing but hear me out. I had to insert this ROLL CALL phase because I don't yet know how to check if people are able to view/play a test project. I don't even know what a beta invite will look like. So for now, if you got your invite and see the current beta, respond in the way it tells you to. Good luck!
can i help with beta testing i cant send on pm because my pm sending thing wont work