The Tower is a maze. You'll notice that moving won't always take you to the next room. Some rooms loop back and some are dead ends. Here's how to solve it.
Once you enter the tower, wander around a bit until you find a room with graffiti all over the walls. You'll see these letters all over.
" D R D U U L D B B B"
Each letter stands for a direction. The first 7 are simple enough.
- Down
- Right
- Down
- Up
- Up
- Left
- Down
Starting from the graffiti room, go down and the follow the rest of the directions. When you make the last "Down" this is where things get trickier.
If you're observant, you'll notice that although you exited Down, you enter the next room from the Left, instead of from the portal. This is important because the last 3 letters of the clue: BBB means...
- Back
- Back
- Back
Many people who figure out the "Back" part make the mistake of going UP wen they really should be going LEFT. You entered from the left. So go BACK. Do the same for the next 2 rooms. Just go BACK through the direction which you entered.
If you still don't get it, first feel shame. You're not trying hard enough.
Feel it? Do you feel shame? Do you feel the rage of a thousand gamers shouting their fury at your feeble attempt?
Fine then... here's a simpler solution. Starting from the graffiti room...
- Down
- Right
- Down
- Up
- Up
- Left
- Down
Finally, you'll end up in the Auditor's office. There's a locker there and once you open it, the final battle begins.
Next: Beating the Final Battle
NOTE: The image guide for the tower solution is over the limit of the Newgrounds newspost. So instead, you can find it here Auditor Tower Solution (visual)
Awesome game. I especially liked the tower puzzle. I was browsing through your entries and noticed the Jesus head in your visual solution. I played through the game twice and couldn't find it =\. I found everything else except for the jesus head and the 2nd to last armor too.
the head and armor you're looking for are in a secret room right after the battle with Tricky ;)