List of changes made on Madness Retaliation
= = = LATEST UPDATE 1.5.7 = = =
- Waiting for approval from NG admin. Will repost when it's available. Thanks for your patience.
- Some save system bugfixes. Again, saves are local to your PC, NOT your NG account.
- Added new ability for the Savior Halo that will help exploration.
- Medals created, pending NG approval.
Version 1.5.6 :: Updated (10/27/10)
- Bugfix for weapon disappearing if killed by clown explosion. 3rd attempt to fix this bug. Cross your fingers.
- Moved old update notes to CHANGE LOG: http://revolverroach.newg 28
Version 1.5.5 :: Updated (10/26/10-10PM)
- created workaround for disappearing weapons glitch (thanks Grinmore) if your character suddenly has zombie hands, check the inventory, your weapon should be there.
- fixed empty uncleared room glitch (thanks s3v3ns)
- Big thanks to all the reviews and for pointing out the bugs. You guys rock!
- NOTE: Music Credits for this game are posted here ws/post/530660
Version 1.5.4 :: Updated (10/26/10)
- cleared rooms have a 50% chance of having no enemies.
- map now shows doors and keycard numbers
- fixed the glitch where weapons disappear. (thanks to Alephnor and mrpikmin123)
= = = GAME HINT SHEET (No Spoilers) = = = ws/post/530331
that game was awesome buddy